Accident Medical Group

Serious Injuries From Low Impact Car Accidents


Serious injuries are not always caused by high speed or intense impact car accidents. Severe injuries and fatalities are often the result of what is known as low impact collision. Inquiring with a licensed attorney could ensure you are doing everything possible to get the compensation you may need to cover extensive medical care, wages lost due to missing work, pain and suffering and psychological trauma endured.

Whiplash is perhaps the most common injury that could occur in a low impact car accident. This type of injury can cause a variety of neck and cervical issues.

Severe damage often occurs when one vehicle is not in motion and is suddenly struck from behind by another vehicle. The sudden movement can cause hyperextension to the neck area, which can result in herniated disks and nerve damage. This can lead to temporary or permanent numbness, pain and possible impairments to the arms and/or legs. 

Low impact car accidents can also cause severe injuries to the lumbar spine area. This area includes the five largest vertebrae and strongest muscles of the spine. This type of injury could result in tenderness, swelling, pain and limited mobility, which may make it difficult to perform daily activities.   

Although rare in a low impact collision, it is possible to suffer spinal cord injuries, which can sometimes result in partial or total paralysis, including loss of reflexes and sensation in certain areas of the body.

It’s extremely important to receive a diagnostic after a car accident, whether you feel pain or not, to ensure you do not have an underlying effects or conditions. 

Contact 305-AMG-HELP to receive immediate help –

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